Billy H. Thompson Memorial College Scholarship
This scholarship program has been in place here at St. Mark since 1992 and, so far, has blessed 115 St. Mark youth in pursuit of their undergraduate studies. As of 2022, this amounts to $162,190.00. This monetary assistance has been a tremendous help to our college students.
The amount awarded to each applicant is determined by the amount of funds available. Funds are raised through donations and memorials. The committee wishes to express its appreciation to those who have contributed to this program over the years. Along with this scholarship, beginning in 2016, scholarships have also come from The James R. Jordan Memorial Scholarship, given by his wife, Ms. Leslie Jordan.
Scholarship applications for the year 2023 will be available as of March 26 in the church office and on the Church’s website and must be fully completed and submitted by APRIL 30. Applications may be left in the church office or emailed to Applicants must be a member of St. Mark UMC and an undergraduate to qualify.
In Jesus’ love,
Ms. Millie Scruggs, Treasurer